Do you love a good White Russian cocktail with a holiday spin that even The Dude would appreciate? Read on! Continue reading
Do you love a good White Russian cocktail with a holiday spin that even The Dude would appreciate? Read on! Continue reading
Get ready to celebrate the holiday and get on either the Nice or Naughty List with two tasty cocktails! Continue reading
The holidays have officially kicked off and I’m considering breaking out the maternity pants like Joey on friends. We’re gathered with family, the buzz of stories and laughter with the recordings of “Alice’s Restaurant” playing in the background. Dinner is cooking, and the house smells amazing. I can’t wait to eat everything. This year, I am grateful for my health, a good job, wonderful friends and family. Things are so good, and days like this where we talk about all that we’re grateful for remind me of how far I’ve come and how fortunate I am.
This year, we went a little crazy on the menu for Thanksgiving, and I can’t wait to eat it all and snack on the leftovers! So what’s on tap for today?
Goat cheese, bacon, and leek tart with chanterelle mushrooms
Mango-orange mimosas
Deviled eggs-regular and habenero
Caprese Skewers
Cranberry Wine
First Course:
Mixed green salad with candied walnuts, pomegranates, and a raspberry walnut vinaigrette.
Beets with goat cheese crumbles and pistachios
Main Course:
Deboned, honey brined turkey
Rotisserie roasted pork shoulder
Mashed potatoes
Pear, cranberry, and port conserva
“Green Slime”-pistachio pudding, cool whip and marshmallows
Pineapple coconut salad
Roasted squash medley with port poached cherries, and almonds
Chorizo spinach stuffing (gluten free)
Turkey stock gravy
Wheat bread with orange cranberry pecan butter
Prosecco, Chardonnay, Pinot Noir, more cranberry wine
Gluten free vegan cashew and date cheesecake
Cranberry walnut tart
Vanilla bean ice cream
Sandeman’s Port
There you have it! I’m so excited to dig in and eat. While it’s a lot of food for 8 people, we’ll all leave with a ton of leftovers. Full bellies and happy hearts, and isn’t that a great way to spend the day?
How are you spending the holiday and how do you give thanks?
Yours in food and happiness,
Oh, how I love this time of year! The leaves are falling, the weather is cool and crisp, and everything is bathed in a golden glow. Fall came so quickly this year. The hot and sunny days were quickly replaced by shorter days requiring more and more layers. We’ve been spending our days crafting, cooking, playing, and camping; trying so hard to squeeze as much as possible in before it gets dark or the need for a nap takes over. Despite being busy, I try to keep to fall tradition and head to a pumpkin patch and this year was no different. Izzy and I bundle up, and make our way to play and find the most loveliest of pumpkins.
I look at these pictures and think, “Oh! My big girl! My beautiful love. She’s growing so fast!” I can barely see the baby in her now, but I love this phase she’s in-the constant energy, the desire to learn and explore. These are my favorite days with her. We spent hours at Carpinito Brothers, playing with the critters, making corn angels, playing in the hay; her happy squeals loud above the noise of the other kids. I loved walking through the pumpkin patch with her, watching her look at each one closely in an attempt to find just the right one. “Is this the one Momma? No, momma this isn’t it. I’ll keep looking!”. After hours of climbing, jumping, playing, and talking to critters, we settled on one massive pumpkin, and three smaller ones. We returned home to snuggle and talk about what other adventures we should go on next. I am so grateful for this time of year, and the adventures with her every day.
My heart is full.
I love jam.
I love it even more when it’s cold and rainy out, and I am missing summer and spring and all of the fresh fruits. Luckily, fall and winter means that cranberries are everywhere, and I can make a quick jam that brings a little sunshine my way. It’s a little jar of tart, sweet, and a great combination of winter from the warming flavors of cinnamon and vanilla, but bright like summer from the oranges and Cointreau. It comes together quickly and makes a great last minute gift, too!
2 packages (24 ounces total) rinsed organic fresh cranberries, soggy/bad ones thrown out, any remaining stems removed
2.5 cups sugar
1-2 large very ripe orange, juiced (approximately 1 cup juice)
1/2 c Cointreau or other orange liqueur
1 Tb vanilla bean paste, I use this one (affiliate link)
1 tspn cinnamon
In a dutch oven, or heavy pot with a thick bottom (I prefer my dutch oven), add your cranberries, orange juice and liqueur, and turn the heat onto medium. Once your mixture is warmed through, add your sugar, vanilla bean paste and cinnamon, stirring with a wooden spoon. Cook slow and low, keeping the heat at medium low, until your cranberries start to break down and quickly pop when you poke them with a spoon. Continue to cook, approximately 20 minutes until you have a nice chunky, delicious smelling pot of tastiness.
If you’re canning this prefer a thick well-set jam, add 1/2 packet of liquid pectin and cook for 5 more minutes at a low simmer. Process jars according to the jar manufacturers directions and enjoy! If you’re canning this, it makes 6-1/2 pint jars.
I love this with cream cheese on crackers or spooned over french toast!
What is your favorite holiday jam?