What’s that sound??? Its the sound of me being productive!

I’ve been stuck on the website pinterest.com lately…if you haven’t seen it, you should check it out…Its a neat site where people “pin” things that they like from various websites, based on various interests. *Disclaimer*: The site is awesome, and you can easily waste hours upon hours viewing it all. So what have I been up to lately?

Canning! I took nearly 45 pounds of tomatoes and made them into sauce. I now have more sauce then I will need for some time-I’m definitely set for winter!

I’ve also been trying my damnedest to work on my quilt. Its been years since I started it…I get a little bit done, and then I get bored, and back into the bin it goes. Its made up of tiny 4″ squares from the Amy Butler “Daisy Chain” line. 4 sets of 4″ squares are sewn together, and then sewn to other color coordinated groups of tiny squares. You see why I only get so far? 🙂  Here’s a pic, so you get an idea of what it looks like:

Again, a lot of little squares=a lot of a pain to complete. 
I’ve also spent the last two weekends doing a little photography. There’s been a few events in the neighborhood, which allowed me to get in some shots. First up was Fiestas Patrias, which travels right down my street-super convenient!

The parade is bright, festive and overall quite fun. I spent some of today cropping the pics and deleting some I just didn’t like. In addition to Fiestas Patrias, there was the First Annual South Park Car Show-Again, really close, allowing me to take some fun shots. I don’t really enjoy taking pics of cars as a whole, just pieces of them:

 While obviously not a car, I loved how even the graffiti in my ‘hood is wonderful 🙂

Today also yielded a new project, as I felt like I just needed to complete something-using an old stamp between two tiny pieces of glass, to make a magnet. Finally being a stamp collecting dork pays off!!!
I am still getting used to using the metal tape, and can see that I need some practice, and a bone folder to make it look a little nicer, but not bad for 5 minutes of work. The other side is vintage style paper. Cute and fun.
So whats on tap next?
Work. We’re launching a big client, so my world seems to be revolving around that. I am also working to throw a benefit concert/event for a friend whose cancer has returned. No one should have to choose between paying for medical care and living expenses. Lastly, possibly a short road trip this weekend. It’ll be nice to get out of town before work becomes too busy to take time off. 
I hope this has been a good, fun read. I also hope you check out pinterest.com; its motivated me to get off my bum and craft, maybe it will do the same for you!

All of us have wonders hidden in our breasts, only needing circumstances to evoke them.  ~Charles Dickens

Plant your own garden and decorate your own soul, instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers.  ~Veronica A. Shoffstall, “After a While,” 1971
And no big surprise….all images copy write 2011-Tiger Lily Designs