Today, I want to hide in bed.
After that I want to venture out into the kitchen and bake warm, delicious treats and then sit in the garden and eat them.
Instead, I am working and coordinating calls out to family, hospitals and social workers while on breaks. During my vacation, my father went back in to the hospital. I’m glad my family waited to tell me until I was home and settled, so I could finally have time to myself. Now, I am waiting to see when he gets out and some next steps about his care, and where he will live. I am happy that he was proactive and checked himself in, but frustrated that this keeps happening, and that the VA can’t do more, and that he can’t take better care of himself.
These days, I am surprised that I have as much energy as I do. I feel pretty good overall, but this is mentally and physically draining. When I think about if I am ready to have my own family, the answer is pretty clear. I have been taking care of my parents longer than most kids live with their parents. I’m sure anything else will be a breeze. Of course, focus on that has to wait a bit longer for this to get settled out.
Hence the desire to hide, and cook. I have visions of warm banana breads; rich creamy, citrusy custards with burnt sugar toppings; deep rich chocolate cakes, topped with boozy cherry jam that I have sitting in my pantry which was canned last summer.
Maybe after I head to Tacoma to sort out my father’s situation and help him clean his home, I can gather my lap top and some of my favorite cook books and just lay in bed, thinking of what to cook next!
In happy-ish news…the new chicks arrived today, sadly, the majority of them didn’t make it in travel. I have two new girls that will be joining the flock shortly! I’ll post pictures of their sweet new faces when I bring them home later today from a neighbor who is watching them.
Here’s to the week wrapping up quickly!